Home Lifestyles Church (page 31)


Scarcity is not our master

The local church stands in the gap for all the people on the planet. Pressed on every side, shaken to the core of its being, through shipwreck and storm, the local church continues to hold out the good news that Jesus Christ’s claims have validity because He is risen from the dead.

A Sure Foundation

5” Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.” ( or Driving) We have this belief as Christians that God only wants those that have it all together and have figured out this, “perfect life thing”, we are supposed to be living. That we must have it all together in order to even have that relationship with God. If that were the case, then we would never get to the place of knowing the grace He extends to those who come ,just as they are.

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