Home Featured Wyandot unveils COVID-19 Vaccination Registration Portal

Wyandot unveils COVID-19 Vaccination Registration Portal


With local vaccination efforts underway, Wyandot County Public Health is launching “Wyandot Get Vaccinated,” a web portal to assist with the pre-registration of Wyandot County Residents wanting to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to Director of Nursing Jamie Crawford, there appears to be significant interest in getting vaccinated.

“Currently the health department is receiving a lot of phone calls regarding people wanting to be on a list to get vaccinated, which is great,” she said. “But with state restrictions, health departments are only allowed to give certain priority groups vaccinations at this time. By using the Wyandot Get Vaccinated portal the public can pre-register, and at the same time provide us with minimal personal information so we can contact individuals when they meet the criteria for a priority vaccination group.”

To access the vaccination pre-registration site, visit the health department’s webpage at wyandothealth.com or the Wyandot County Public’ Health’s Facebook page.

As pre-registration begins, the health department is asking for assistance from the public.

“Based upon some of the phone calls we are receiving, we now realize that a significant portion of our older population might not have internet access to pre-register,” Crawford said. “If you have older family members or friends without internet access, please reach out to them to assist with pre-registration. Once registered, the health department will contact the individual directly by phone when vaccine is available.”

Wyandot Public Health also is encouraging the public to sign-up sooner rather than later, since Wyandot Get Vaccinated is not just a pre-registration tool, but also collects information that will assist the health department with local clinic planning.

As the state allows local health departments to provide vaccinations to other priority groups, like those over 65 years of age, the information collected during the pre-registration process will help identify the number of vaccine doses needed, and the size and location of future vaccination clinics. This information will be vital for efficient vaccine and clinic management.

Finally, even though vaccination efforts are underway, the health department continues to urge the public to practice social distancing, wear face coverings in public, clean and disinfect regularly, monitor health daily and wash hands frequently. These efforts will help limit the spread of COVID-19 in the community and help protect community members until vaccinations are available.

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