Home Local News Court Dockets (page 115)

Court Dockets

Registrar releases January stats

Jane M. Shrider, registrar of vital statistics at the Wyandot County Health Department, reports there were 14 births and 39 deaths in the county during January. Births include 10 females and four males; deaths include 18 females and 21 males. Fifty-one certified birth and 147 certified death certificates were issued. Forty-three burial permits were issued.

Criminal, traffic cases tried in court

Certificate of judgment: State of Ohio Department of Taxation, Columbus, judgment creditor, vs. Jose F. Sanchez, 114 1/2 W. Johnson St., Upper Sandusky, judgment debtor. Certificate of judgment: State of Ohio Department of Taxation, Columbus, judgment creditor, vs. Stephan Walton, 7029 CH 44, Upper Sandusky, judgment debtor.

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