Home Local News Court Dockets (page 114)

Court Dockets

New cases filed in county common pleas court

Certificate of judgment: Wyandot Memorial Hospital, 885 N. Sandusky Ave., Upper Sandusky, judgment creditor, vs. Dwight D. Emory Jr., 215 N. Main St., Nevada, judgment debtor. Certificate of judgment: Wyandot Memorial Hospital, 885 N. Sandusky Ave., Upper Sandusky, judgment creditor, vs. Scott A. Johnston and Melissa Johnson, judgment debtors.

Criminal, traffic cases heard

Pernell L. Brown Jr., Marion, charged by the state with two counts of domestic violence, amended plea to no contest, plea accepted, finding deferred pending pre-sentence investigation. Larry A. Foust, LaRue, charged by the sheriff with two counts of assault, pretrial held, continued to March 14.

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