Home Local News Court Dockets (page 82)

Court Dockets

Criminal, traffic cases heard

Normurod Rozikov, Niles, Illinois, charged by the patrol with vehicular homicide, jury trial held, found guilty; and vehicular manslaughter, jury trial held, found not guilty. Brandon A. Carter, Carey, charged by the Carey police with burglary, indigency hearing held, preliminary hearing set for Aug. 30.

New common pleas court cases filed

Certificate of judgment: State of Ohio Department of Taxation, Columbus, judgment creditor, vs. Dusty R. Creamer, 213 1/2 N. Sandusky Ave., Upper Sandusky, judgment debtor. Certificate of judgment: State of Ohio Department of Taxation, Columbus, judgment creditor, vs. Kevin E. Dininger and Karen S. Dininger, 129 New Washington Road, Sycamore, judgment debtors.

Couples apply to be married

Andrew David Brown, 32, 12432 TH 83, Forest, track maintenance; and Adrienne Lorraine Gamby, 33, 12432 TH 83, Forest, registered nurse, Aug. 15. Jacob Daniel Hollis, 28, 10709 CH 57, Upper Sandusky, highway technician; and Kara Lindsay Leonard, 29, 10709 CH 57, Upper Sandusky, recruiter, Aug. 16.

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