Home Local News Court Dockets (page 122)

Court Dockets

Vital statistics for September and October, 2017

Jane M. Shrider, registrar of vital statistics at the Wyandot County Health Department, reports there were five births and 15 deaths in the county during September. Births include five females; deaths include seven females and eight males. Fifty-one certified birth and 55 certified death certificates were issued. Seventeen burial permits were issued.

2 arrested in separate cases

Taran K. Gillen

Two Wyandot County residents have been arrested on separate drug trafficking charges since Wednesday afternoon. Taran K. Gillen, Upper Sandusky, was arrested on a warrant on indictment issued out of the Wyandot County Common Pleas Court Grand Jury for two counts of trafficking drugs.

Couples receive marriage licenses

DeWayne Aaron Sayre, 48, 123 Brayton St., Carey, laborer; and Angel Marie Moloney, 40, 123 Brayton St., Carey, laborer, Nov. 2. Jamie Ray Hickle, 46, 191 Broadview St., Apt. B, Upper Sandusky, odd jobs; and Christi Renee Gossman, 41, 191 Broadview St., Apt. B, Upper Sandusky, housewife.  

Holland man charged with drug possession

A Holland man was arrested for possession of cocaine by the Upper Sandusky Police Department following a traffic stop Tuesday night in Upper Sandusky. An officer observed a vehicle driven by Tyler J. Cox, 25, of Holland, had registration covered by a plate bracket and the state of Ohio was covered up on the top of the plate.

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