Home Local News Court Dockets (page 106)

Court Dockets

Businesses apply to get licenses

Dietz Chiropractic LLC, Dietz Chiropractic, 221 E. Findlay St., Carey, chiropractors. Sandy Bob’s LLC, Sandy Bob’s Patio, 2008 Ohio 199, Carey, drinking (alcoholic beverages). Innovations Hair Studio LLC, 112 W. Johnson St., Upper Sandusky, beauty salon.

Criminal, traffic cases tried in Upper Sandusky Municipal Court

Christopher N. Holland, Columbus, charged by the patrol with possession of drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia and obstruction of official business; by the police with resisting arrest; and by the state with petty theft, amended plea to guilty, found guilty; charged by the patrol with possession of marijuana, nollied; and by the police with second count of obstruction of official business, nollied.

Properties transferred

Jacob P. Wentz and Alisha L. Wentz to Jacob P. Wentz trustee, Alisha L. Wentz trustee and Jacob P. Wentz and Alisha L. Wentz joint revocable trust, .006 acre and property in Carey. George Wise to David McSherley and Alene McSherley, property in Sycamore.

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