Home Local News Court Dockets (page 90)

Court Dockets

Cases filed in Wyandot Co Common Pleas Court

Certificate of judgment: State of Ohio Department of Taxation, Columbus, judgment creditor, vs. Crystal L. Estrada and Abilio R. Estrada, 906 S. Hazel St., Upper Sandusky, judgment debtors. Certificate of judgment: State of Ohio Department of Taxation, Columbus, judgment creditor, vs. Joshua M. Swinehart, 538 N. Eighth St., Upper Sandusky, judgment debtor.

Couples get marriage licenses

Zachary Thomas Schrolucke, 25, 514 N. Sandusky Ave., Upper Sandusky, dye technician; and Tiffany Kelly Shannon, 31, 142 S. Lake St., Apt. 2A, Carey, press operator, May 1. Kane Alexander Johnson, 26, 420 S. Hazel St., Upper Sandusky, sales/lease professional; and Nicki Nicole Morehouse, 25, 420 S. Hazel St., Upper Sandusky, caregiver, May 3.

Teens get traffic sentences

Adrian V. Digby, 12494 TH 84, Forest, speed, $30 fine plus costs, Carteens. Jesse E. Ferst, 15831 TH 42, Carey, willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property, $50 fine plus costs, four points, 90-day BMV suspension with limited privileges; and starting/stopping violation, $50 fine plus costs, one-year BMV suspension with limited privileges.

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