Home Local News Court Dockets (page 179)

Court Dockets

Criminal, traffic cases heard

Sandra King, Upper Sandusky, charged by the state with passing a bad check, pleaded no contest, finding deferred on conditions. Treston V. King, Upper Sandusky, charged by the police with selling cigarettes to an underage individual, pleaded not guilty, trial set for July 6.

Couples apply to be married

Clifford Jacob Smith, 20, 313 E. Sandusky St., laborer, Wharton; and Chantel Ellen Collins, 20, 313 E. Sandusky St., laborer, June 4. Kody Robert Stickel, 27, deputy law enforcement; and Ashley Renae Sweat, 24, 18000 TH 24, Carey, laborer, June 4.

New cases filed in county court

Certificate of judgment: Sherman Acquisition LP, Salem, Massachusetts, judgment creditor, vs. Lisa M. Shaffer, 2798 TH 55, Nevada, judgment debtor. Criminal: State of Ohio vs. Michael T. Nordyke, New Riegel, importuning.

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