Home Lifestyles School Lunch Menus: Sept. 28-Oct. 2

School Lunch Menus: Sept. 28-Oct. 2


Sept. 28-Oct. 2

Angeline School and Industries

Mon.: tomato soup, toasted cheese sandwich, corn casserole, pears.

Tues.: quesadillas, Spanish rice, garden salad, banana.

Wed.: Bosco stick w/sauce, broccoli salad, mandarin oranges, banana pudding.

Thu.: chicken pot pie, salad, dinner roll, tropical fruit.

Fri.: macaroni and cheese, beets, peanut butter and jelly cracker, applesauce.

East, South and St. Peter’s Elementary Schools

Mon.: chicken fryze, potato smiles, steamed broccoli, diced pears.

Tues.: pepperoni pizza, corn, carrots w/dip, pineapple tidbits.

Wed.: corn dog, baked beans, romaine salad, mixed fruit.

Thursday and Friday, October menus not received at press time.

Riverdale Local Schools

Mon.: popcorn chicken, broccoli w/cheese sauce, mixed fruit.

Tues.: burrito, salsa, Mexicali corn, pineapple.

Wed.: grilled cheese, tomato soup, pears.

Thursday and Friday, October menus not received at press time.

Union Elementary and Middle School

Mon.: breaded chicken patty w/bun, baked potato w/cheese sauce, romaine salad, mixed fruit.

Tues.: Ram torpedo sub, french fries, spinach salad, applesauce.

Wed.: walking taco w/beef and cheese, lettuce and tomato, refried beans, salsa, diced peaches.

Thursday and Friday, October menus not received at press time.

Upper Sandusky High School


Mon.: breakfast pizza, hashbrown.

Tues: pancake wrap, syrup cup.

Wed.: tri-tater bake.

Thursday and Friday, October menus not received at press time.

Upper Sandusky High School (lunch)

Mon.: cheeseburger w/bun or chicken fryze w/roll, steamed broccoli, fresh vegetable choice (east line); pizza bagel or chicken fryze w/roll, steamed broccoli, fresh vegetable choice (west line).

Tues.: taco salad w/breadstick or Italian chicken w/bun, lettuce and tomato, fresh vegetable choice (east and west lines).

Wed.: chicken quesadilla or barbecue pork w/bun, baked beans, fresh vegetable choice (east line); chicken quesadilla or Philly steak w/bun, baked beans, fresh vegetable choice (west line).

Thursday and Friday, October menus not received at press time.

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